Putting an end to email overload

If you are anything like me, you always keep an eye out for the “thing” to help you get to where you want to be in life. Whether it’s a yoga class to help you ground and center yourself, a self-help/spiritual book, or an online class/webinar/training /certification program that promises to help you with your life’s purpose, how to make lots of money, or how to find and keep a healthy and loving relationship. The good news is that with the invention of the internet, we have access to all of these things at any time, in any location. The internet has enabled us to have just about anything we want at the click of a button.

For entrepreneurs and business owners, the internet is a cost effective and much easier solution to marketing products to people all over the world. Even this blog that I am writing is going to be posted on my website, and on Facebook, with hopes of sharing my thoughts and ultimately, introducing my services. (Why try to hide this, you all know exactly what I am doing 🙂

But, what happens when you sign up for a bunch of online webinars/trainings/books/courses? Your email inbox is often inundated with daily emails that might overwhelm and annoy you, and turn you off from the entire activity. Then before you know it, all of your excitement about finally having some help with your challenge has deflated. This happened to me recently. I saw my inbox filling up, and I started shutting down. The amount of emails was so overwhelming that I didn’t even bother to open them. I finally sat down this morning to look through them and asked my Angels which ones to look at first. Unfortunately, all of the free events that really captured my interest are no longer available. This resulted in about 70 unread emails in my inbox that I just finished deleting and unsubscribing from. I’m not sure if this was a failure on my part for biting off more than I can chew and signing up for too many events at once, or on their part for sending me too many emails. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. I trust that those venues weren’t a good fit for me, or that this was just not the right time for me to experience them.

The next time that I am considering signing up for something online, I will first check in with my Angels to see if I will benefit from the information. I know that I am not the only person who “forgets” that the answers that we are seeking are already in us. In our hearts, our Soul’s memories of past lives, and in every cell of our being. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it is easy to always hear and trust our own intuition, especially if we have more than one answer that we feel might be “right.” Sometimes there are several different paths that we can take, and we become overwhelmed by our options.

Remember that your Angels are available to guide you forward in every area of your life. Whether you want to know which online course will be most beneficial, or advice about the career that will be truly meaningful for you, or the steps you can take to increase your fertility. Angels will have answers for you, and they will help you “remember” what your heart and Soul already know to be true.

So, before you drive yourself (and your inbox) crazy with too many online solutions, try checking in with your Angels first. It is certainly easier (and cheaper) to pull an oracle card for yourself or to ask for a loud and clear sign from your Angels regarding the best course of action. I am also always available to help you with an Angel reading, too.