Are you living a double life?

For many years I have essentially been living a double life. In my day job, I work in Human Resources. A big part of my job is advising the leaders of companies on employee related topics, and also managing employee issues. I have to be professional, trustworthy, and credible at work in order to be successful. For this reason, I have never disclosed to anyone in my workplace about my psychic work out of fear of judgement, loss of credibility (from the non-believers), and my job.

This may not sound like a big deal; after all, there are plenty of things about our personal lives that we leave at home when we go to work. But for me, not being openly psychic and spiritual has dulled my sparkle for so many years, that at one point, I started to forget who I was. Every day, I put on my metaphorical “work” mask and transform into a watered down version of myself; pretending that there isn’t anywhere else in the world that I would rather be. Slapping a fake smile on my face and going through the motions. Feeling like a caged animal, my heart and soul wanting to break free and live a fulfilling life, instead of doing menial tasks that (let’s be honest) I just don’t care about.

I know that I am not alone in feeling this way, and I would like to offer you some practical advice on how I got through a particularly difficult time at work, and how I continue to find happiness at work while I am busy building my spiritual business and working toward creating the fulfilling career that I crave.

The first step is to admit that there is a problem, ask your Angels for help, own it, and commit to doing what is necessary to improve your situation. It is much easier to accept unhappiness than to recognize and figure out how to change it. The harsh reality is that the crumby job or situation that you find yourself in was created by you. Our thoughts and words are constantly creating our circumstances. For example, if you often think or say that you hate your job, you are going to attract a job that you dislike and you will essentially hate your job. Need convincing of this concept? When you wake up tomorrow morning, tell yourself that you are going to have a horrible day and observe how your day goes. Chances are, if you are viewing your day through that negative lens, it will be a lousy day.

This brings you to the next step: affirmations. Affirmations 101: choose a positive statement that feels right for you, and repeat it all day, every day, outloud or in your mind, as often as you think of it.  It’s easier to start out with short affirmations, such as: “I love my job.” Half the time that I was affirming this I felt as though I was just lying to myself; but I stuck with it. By repeating this affirmation throughout the day at work, I was able to eventually dig my way out of the dark hole that I had created. I would literally think to myself “ugh, I hate this stuff I should just walk out and not come back..errr…I mean I love my job.” I realized that at some point I had decided that I was going to be unhappy, and in turn, I became very unhappy. By choosing to build happiness, my entire perspective began to shift. Although I knew that I still wanted a different career, it made my current situation much more bearable. Dare I say, enjoyable.

Another daily practice that was beneficial was listing all of the positive things about my job. Each day I would add something else to the list. Even if it had to do with the awesome restaurant next door to the office, I added it. After a couple of weeks I could literally see an entire list of positives about my job, which helped me get through the day more easily. Over time I naturally began to see my job through a positive lens and it became easier to go to work everyday.

The great thing about affirmations and making positive lists is that you can never overdo it. I go through periods where I practice them often, then times when I don’t practice them at all.  As long as you are focusing on being positive, you can’t go wrong. That’s the beauty of it. There is no right or wrong way.

Once you are feeling better about your situation and you are in a more positive frame of mind, you can gain clarity about the steps that you need to  take toward finding or creating a career that you won’t need metaphorical masks, affirmations, or lists to enjoy.

Ready to take the next steps towards a career that you enjoy? An Angel reading with Eileen will give you the guidance and direction that you are looking for.