What are your Angels trying to tell you?


Do you ever wonder if anyone is listening to you when you pray? Do you receive repetitive signs in the form of feathers, coins, butterflies, or numbers?

Angels are omnipresent beings whose purpose is to guide, love, and support us throughout our lives, so that we may live the lives that we are intended to have. So often we become sidetracked and thrown off course only to find ourselves in situations that make us unhappy. We may feel as though there is no way out; but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Your Angels are waiting for you to reach out to them for help and are ready to provide you with the support, guidance, and tools that you need to get back on track in every area of your life. All you need to do is ask.

During an Angel reading with Eileen, she will intuitively connect with your Angels and guides (often other Ascended Masters and spirits are around us and want to offer their support as well) to receive the messages that they have for you. Angels are loving and sentient beings, and their messages are always delivered with compassion. Eileen will align her energy with the Angelic energy to ensure that she translates their messages in the same loving and respectful tone.

If you are tired of feeling stuck, confused, or unsure of any situation in your life, an Angel reading with Eileen will give you the answers and direction that you need to create the life that you deserve.


What to expect during an Angel reading with Eileen:


  • You may either ask specific questions, or provide a couple of topics to focus on (for example, love and career).
  • Eileen may use oracle cards during the reading if she feels guided to do so (these are all Angelic cards that differ from traditional Tarot).
  • Eileen will intuitively connect with your Angels to receive their messages for you.
  • You may ask questions throughout the reading for clarification.

Sessions are available via phone, email, or live online chat.