Putting an end to email overload

If you are anything like me, you always keep an eye out for the “thing” to help you get to where you want to be in life. Whether it’s a yoga class to help you ground and center yourself, a self-help/spiritual book, or an online class/webinar/training /certification program that promises to help you with your life’s purpose, how to make …

You can use oracle cards to connect with your angels

Oracle cards are an excellent gateway tool for those who are interested in actively connecting with their angels, and also for those who want to practice using their psychic abilities. Although I seldom feel guided to use oracle cards during my readings with clients, I do have a rather large collection of them for personal use (let me know if …

Are you living a double life?

For many years I have essentially been living a double life. In my day job, I work in Human Resources. A big part of my job is advising the leaders of companies on employee related topics, and also managing employee issues. I have to be professional, trustworthy, and credible at work in order to be successful. For this reason, I …